Dried Flower Bracelets
This preserved flower bracelet features seasonal flowers and two natural pearls. Available in GOLD!
M A T E R I A L S • A N D • S I Z E
- Individual rectangles are 23*10mm
- Bracelet is adjustable
Available in Gold
- Gold plated
M E A N I N G • S Y M B O L I S M
Purple - Pansy
Most often, pansies are used to symbolize loving feelings. The ideal gift for a mother, partner, or friend. Violet pansies mean passion.
Bule - Delphinium
Delphinium carries the symbolic meaning of joy, happiness, and goodwill. . The Delphinium flower is also the official birth flower for July.
Yellow - Lobelia Erinus
In some cultures, Lobelia Erinus symbolize love while others associate them with good luck or prosperity. These flowers are also often worn as jewelry to symbolize love or friendship.
Red - Dianthus
Dianthus is typically used to symbolize feelings of boldness, love, affection, gratitude and admiration.
White - Daisy
Daisy flower meaning includes new beginnings, hope, innocence, fun, affection, and other sweet attributes.
Lt. Green - Hydrangea
The hydrangea represents gratitude, grace and beauty.
Pink - Cherry Blossom
Throughout Japan, the Cherry, or 'Sakura' tree is representative of good fortune, new beginnings and revival.
Orange - Cassia
Cassia has been used for thousands of years to maintain physical health and promote emotional well-being.
Green- Fern Leaf
The fern symbolizes eternal youth. According to Victorians, the fern symbolizes humility and sincerity.
Navy Blue - Cornflower
Representing positive hope for the future, the Cornflower is a humble reminder of nature's simple beauty and the fullness of life's cycle. ... The Blue Cornflower is the national flower of hope for ALS/MND.
Fuchsia - Cornflower
Representing positive hope for the future, the Cornflower is a humble reminder of nature's simple beauty and the fullness of life's cycle.
P L E A S E • N O T E
No two pieces of jewelries are exactly alike, due to their handmade nature, which makes it more unique!
So in love with these pieces! They are so pretty!!!